Recipe - appetizers fish main courses ora king salmon salmon recipes seafood recipes

Ōra King Salmon Ceviche

You will experience a classic balance of sweet, umami flavors and sophisticated buttery texture with every bite of Ora King Salmon. Here we offer you easy to cook recipe of it.


7 OZ Ōra King Salmon  – skinless and boneless
2 Limes
1/2 Bunch cilantro
1/2 Red onion
1 Red chili (seeds removed)
3 Tablespoons olive oil
1/2 Teaspoon sugar
Salt and black pepper, to taste

For Garnish

2 Radishes (French breakfast preferably), thinly sliced
1/2 Avocado, diced
Belgium endive and/or baby gem lettuce leaves
Crème fraiche
Ōra King Salmon Ceviche


1. Dice the salmon into half-inch cubes.

2. Prepare the dressing – finely dice the red onion, chili and cilantro. Add into a bowl with the zest and juice of the limes, sugar, black pepper and a good pinch of salt. Combine with the olive oil.

3. To serve, add the salmon into the dressing and mix well. Allow to sit and marinate for 4-5 minutes to allow the salt and acid to slightly cook the fish. Taste and adjust the seasoning as needed.

To Serve:

1. Place a small spoon of crème fraiche at the bottom of a bowl, add the marinated salmon ceviche, then garnish with sliced radish, diced avocado, baby bitter leaves and finely chopped chives. Ideal as a starter and great served crudité style using endive leaves or baby gem leaves as cups.

General Recipe Note: Please visit @orakingsalmon IGTV on Instagram for the video